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Choosing Catchy Sociology Dissertation Topics: 7 Interesting Ideas

Writing a thesis is a big undertaking and uses a lot of your time. You’ll want to plan ahead with your topic, how you’ll work on it, your schedule, and everything involved. Making sure you can make this the best dissertation you can is important, and that starts with a catchy topic. Your advisor can help you choose, but it’s fun to do some research yourself first. If you start looking up material on a particular subject and something catches your attention, you probably have a winner.

Writing about sociology

While you’re working on this project, it’s important to keep in mind your original instructions. Were there any limits on a topic, or suggested ones that your professor wanted you to pick from? Make sure you know what you need to do beforehand. In the rest of this article you’ll find 7 great ideas you can use for your dissertation, if you want a topic handed to you. All of these are ones that students and teachers both love. They offer a wide angle of variation for having your own opinion or take on each subject.

If you need more help, you can talk to a fellow student, your advisor or any other professor who teaches a sociology class. They’ve been where you are before, and know how thesis writing works. It’s a good idea to get help early on, so that you don’t waste any time being stuck on one part of the process.

Topics for a dissertation on sociology

  1. Analyze the effects of the elderly population on the welfare state
  2. A sociological approach to studying kid’s soccer leagues and how the sport defines a child’s life choices
  3. Discuss Sunday school attendance among a variety of religions, ages of attendees and participation
  4. Take a look at racism in prisons—is it lessening or worsening?
  5. What depth and type of culture shock does a person have when travelling to Asia?
  6. How does the focus on public education effect sociological outcomes for students?
  7. Analyze the historical rate of divorce and its main causes in modern society

Using any of those topics will help your dissertation be interesting and provide you with a lot of material to research. If you choose something that you’re passionate about, it’s easier to get the work done because your interest will fuel your motivation and momentum of work.