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A Quick Step-By-Step Guide for Students Looking for a Good Sample Dissertation Abstract

Writing a dissertation can seem like a tremendously difficult task, especially when you consider that most who embark on the project have never written anything that closely resembles it. Because of this it’s a good idea for students to look towards finding at least one good sample to use as a guide as they organize, format and present their central argument in logical and cohesive way. But where can a student go to find a good sample of a dissertation abstract? It’s actually not all that difficult, and here are some quick and simple steps to getting your hands on one:

Ask Your Professor/Advisor for a Sample Copy

The very first place you want to go to find a good sample of a dissertation abstract is to your professor or advisor. You should plan to meet with your dissertation advisor regularly. And in one of your first meetings you should bring up the subject of getting a sample copy of an abstract that you can use as a guide. Your subject will likely be unrelated, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t benefit from having a hard copy of what a proper end product should look like.

Search for Published Dissertations at the University Library

When dissertations are approved they get published and are archived at your university’s library. This means that as a graduate student you have access to thousands of well-written, formatted dissertation abstracts at your fingertips. Ask your reference librarian for abstracts that may be related to the topic you will be doing research on. By doing so you may find some material or citation sources you can use for your own paper. You want to make sure you visit your library early in the process since items can be checked out for several months before they become available again. You don’t want to miss out on great material all because you delayed getting started.

Purchase a Copy from a Writing Service

Your last resort might be one of the easiest but will also cost you some. Purchasing an abstract from a writing service is an easier task (and more affordable) than purchasing an entire dissertation. The abstract can probably be written in a day. And even though you won’t have the complete dissertation you can certainly learn all there is to know about writing a great abstract using just the sample of the professionally written abstract.
